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73. Responsibilities of leadership

(1) Authority assigned to a State officer--

(a) is a public trust to be exercised in a manner that--

(i) is consistent with the purposes and objects of this Constitution;
(ii) demonstrates respect for the people;
(iii) brings honour to the nation and dignity to the office; and
(iv) promotes public confidence in the integrity of the office; and

(b) vests in the State officer the responsibility to serve the people, rather than the power to rule them.

(2) The guiding principles of leadership and integrity include--

(a) selection on the basis of personal integrity, competence and suitability, or election in free and fair elections;
(b) objectivity and impartiality in decision making, and in ensuring that decisions are not influenced by nepotism, favouritism, other improper motives or corrupt practices;
(c) selfless service based solely on the public interest,demonstrated by--

(i) honesty in the execution of public duties;
(ii) the declaration of any personal interest that may conflict with public duties;

(d) accountability to the public for decisions and actions;
(e) discipline and commitment in service to the people.