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Working Committee on Legal Education Sector Reforms Call for Memoranda

working committee legal education

The Attorney-General established a Working Committee on Legal Education Sector Reforms on 28th August 2024 to consider and harmonize the concerns and issues raised by students and stakeholders with respect to the legal education sector.

The Committee is convened by the Chairperson, Kenya Law Reform Commission. Members of the Committee are the President of the Law Society of Kenya, the Chairperson of the Council of Legal Education, the Chairperson of the Kenya School of Law and the Secretary, Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Office of the Attorney-General and Department of Justice. It is expected to deliver a Report to the Attorney-General that will inform the implementation of the requisite reform interventions, including the recommendations of the Taskforce on Legal Sector Reforms no later than 26th October 2024.

Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 10(2)(a) and 232 (1)(d) of the Constitution, the Committee hereby seeks views from all stakeholders and members of the public to inform its terms of reference with respect to the legal education sector. The Committee is open to receiving views from individuals, public and private institutions and other interested parties by way of written memoranda and should address any or all of the following areas:

  1. Current legal framework for the entry qualifications criteria to the Advocates Training Programme and for admission as an Advocate;
  2. Examination process for the Advocates Training Programme; and
  3. Financial sustainability measures for the legal education sector institutions, specifically the Kenya School of Law and the Council of Legal Education, including the current training and examination fees structure and financial support for students.

The memoranda should be submitted by hard copy or email through the following addresses so as to reach the Committee no later than 5 pm on 20 September 2024:

The Chairperson, Working Committee on Legal Education Sector Reforms
C/O Kenya Law Reform Commission
Reinsurance Plaza, 3rd Floor
P. O. Box 34999 – 00100,

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Chairperson
Working Committee on Legal Education Sector Reforms
Office of the Attorney-General & Department of Justice 

9th September 2024