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Sensitization to The Guide on Legislative Process in Kenya Second Edition

The Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) is mandated under section 6(g) of the Kenya Law Reform Commission Act, Cap.3, upon request or on its own motion, to advice the national or county governments on the review and reform of the legislation.

Further, Section 5(3) of the County Governments Act, Obliges KLRC to offer technical assistance to all the 47 counties in the formulation and review of law and policies required to implement County Governments'mandates. This technical assistance includes provision of advice and information on the legislarive process in Kenya.

The revision of the Guide has been spearheaded by KLRC with the support of our Development Partner ACT! in collaboration with yourselves as key stakeholders. The exercise has immeasurably benefited from your valuable input based on your experience and interaction with the first edition of the publication.

Senisitization to The Guide on Legislative Process in Kenya Second Edition flyer

The publication is ready for dissemination during which we shall also sensitize stakeholders on its contents.

The Revised Guide, acts as a tool in KLRC’s capacity building initiatives

Webinar : Sensitization on the Guide to the Legislative Process Second Edition.

When: 24th June 2024.

Venue : Virtual. Time : 10 am to 12 Noon.

Registration link :

Check the flyer for more details.