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Model Laws Developed by KLRC

Kenya Law Reform Commission in corroboration with other stakeholders has developed Model Laws which can be customized by Counties to speed up legislations. These laws include 

  1. Draft County Model Law on Revenue Administration;
  2. Draft County Model Law on Rating;
  3. Draft County Model Law on Public Participation;
  4. Draft County Model Law on Trade;,
  5. Draft County Model Law on Tourism;
  6. Draft County Model Law on Cooperatives;
  7. Draft County Model Law on Trade/ Business Licensing;
  8. Draft County Model Law on Liquor Licensing;
  9. Draft County Model Law on     Early Childhood Education;
  10. Draft County Model Law on Child Care Facilities ;
  11. Draft County Model Law on   Public Entertainment and Amenities ;
  12. Draft County Model Law on  Cultural Heritage;
  13. Draft County Model Law  on Vetting of Public Officers;
  14. Draft County Model Law on Fire & Rescue Services;
  15. Draft County Model Law on  Disaster Management;
  16. Draft County Models Laws on Agriculture;
  17. Draft County Model Law on Public Entertainment;
  18. Draft County Model Law on Village Polytechnics;
  19. Draft County Model Law on Outdoor Advertising;
  20. Draft County Model Law on Public Nuisance;
  21. Draft County Model Law on Public Amenities;
  22. Draft County Model Law on Transport;
  23. Draft County Model Law on Ward Development Fund;
  24. Draft County Model Law on Water;
  25. Draft County Model Law on Sand Harvesting and Quarrying ;
  26. Draft County Model Law on County Assembly Service Board;
  27. Draft County Model Law on Public Service Board;
  28. Draft County Model Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Fund;
  29. Draft County Model Law on Abattoirs’;
  30. Draft County Model Law on Designated Parking Places;
  31. Draft County Model Law on Taxi Cab, Wheel Barrow and Cart (Licensing);
  32. Draft County Model Law on Omnibus Stations and Parking;
  33. Draft County Outdoor Advertisement;
  34. Draft County Model Law on General Nuisance;
  35. Draft County Model Law on Waste Management;
  36. Draft County Model Law on Livestock Auctions and Sales;
  37. Draft County Model Law on Public Markets;
  38. Draft Garissa Model Law on County Hawking;
  39. Draft County Model Law on Business Permits;
  40. Draft County Model Law on Persons Living with Disabilities;
  41. Draft County Model Law on Promotion of Primary Health Care;
  42. Draft County Model Law on Tourism Development;
  43. Draft County Model Law on Horticulture Development;
  44. Draft County Model Law on Affirmative Action;
  45. Draft County Model Law on Maternal Health Rights Bill;
  46. Draft County Model Law on Reproductive Health Rights;
  47. Draft County Model Law on Planning;
  48. Draft County Model Law on Investment and Promotion and Development;
  49. Draft County Model Law on Control of Drugs;
  50. Draft County Model Law on Animal Welfare; and
  51. Draft County Model Law on Agricultural Development Fund.